We invite all those diagnosed with Huntington’s disease, their families, caregivers and individuals who are at risk to attend our Support Group meetings. Meetings provide a supportive environment where participants can share concerns, challenges, and successes. In addition, participants can lend emotional support to one another and lessen feelings of isolation. Meetings are always free to attend and all locations are accessible. Your involvement is important for our support groups! At a meeting you might learn about a community resource, discover a new research study or hear from a guest speaker. Please consider joining us! For further information about any of the support groups, please contact Emily Zivin at
Emily.Zivin@northwestern.edu or 312-926-8048. Cancellations may occur in the case of inclement weather. We will attempt to notify everyone with advanced notice by email. If you are concerned that a meeting may be cancelled, please contact Emily Zivin at
Emily.Zivin@northwestern.edu or 312-926-8048 to confirm.
Support Groups in the Community
Lake County Support Group - In Person
Second Monday of the month at 7:00 pm
Advocate Condell in the West Tower
First conference room to the left of the main entrance
Contact: Marilyn Kahn,
Cell: 847-975-2403
Rush University Medical Center HD Support Group - Virtual (Zoom)
Upcoming Dates: April 19th, June 21st, August 23rd, October 11th, and December 13th
Lead by: Samantha Negrete, MSW, LSW
To register, visit
Northwestern Medicine Huntington's Disease Support Group - Virtual (Zoom)
Second Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm
Meetings take place January, March, May, July, September, and November
For Zoom link, please email:
Northwestern Indiana Huntington's Disease Awareness, Support and Hope - In Person
Third Thursday of the month at 6:00 pm
Methodist Hospitals Southlake
Pavillion B, 1st Floor Conference Room
200 East 89th Ave, Merrillville, IN 46410
Contact: Amy Turner Ladow,
nwiHDASH@gmail.com or
Cell: 610-241-2753
Northwestern Medicine Caregiver Support Group - In Person
Due to Library Scheduling, meeting dates are set two months in advance
Meetings take place February, April, June, August, October, and December
Winnetka Library
768 Oak Street, Winnetka
Community room, lower level
If you want to be added to the caregiver email list please email
Munster, IN Support Group - In Person
Second Wednesday of the month at 6:00 pm
Location Information:
Southside Christian Church
1000 Broadmoor Ave
Contact: Cindy Rogers at 219-836-2369 or
clrogers111@comcast.net or Monica at 219-616-1393
Meeting Guidelines We read the guidelines before each meeting to remind us that we are all responsible for following and committing to the group standards, which are in place to keep this group a safe place to share.
Share the air time Everyone who wishes to share has an opportunity to do so. No one person should monopolize the group time.
One person speaks at a time Each person should be allowed to speak free from interruptions and side conversations.
What is said here stays here This is the essential principle of confidentiality and MUST be respected by all participants.
Differences of opinion are OK We are ALL entitled to our own point of view.
We are all equal We accept cultural, linguistic, social and racial differences and promote their acceptance.
Use "I" language It’s important to use “I” language because you are talking about yourself and not a vague person or group of people.
The use of “I” helps avoid someone feeling like they are being attacked. Examples include: “I feel like you handled that difficult situation the best that you could have” “I had good experiences with antidepressant meds in my family”
Its OK not to share People do not have to share if they do not wish to.
Its everyone's responsibility to make the group a safe place to share We respect confidentiality, treat each other with respect and kindness, and show compassion.
Copyright © 2024, Huntington's Disease Society of America